appropriate for 意味

発音を聞く:   appropriate forの例文
  • ~にふさわしい
    This book is appropriate for children to read. この本は子どもが読むのにふさわしい。


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. this is not appropriate for a happy day like this .
    おめでたい席には ふさわしくない!
  2. either or . hardly appropriate for a first mate .
  3. i will give you a punishment that is appropriate for you
  4. appropriate for the battle of the best scientists
    最強科学者決定戦に ふさわしい お二人を➡
  5. i don't think that's appropriate for someone


        appropriate:     1appropriate v. 当てる; 《文語》 私用に供する, 流用する. 【副詞1】 They appropriated his land illegally. 不法に彼の土地を自分たちのものにした. 【+前置詞】 He appropriated the funds entrusted to him for his own use. 自分に託された資金を横領
        appropriate to:    《be ~》~に適切{てきせつ}である、~に適合{てきごう}している Her experience is appropriate to the new position. 彼女には経験があるので、新しい役職にはふさわしい。
        as appropriate:    必要{ひつよう}に応じて、それぞれに見合った
        if appropriate:    適切{てきせつ}な場合{ばあい}
        absolutely appropriate:    全くぴったりした
        age appropriate:    {形} :
        age-appropriate:    {形} : 年齢{ねんれい}に応じた[適した?合った]、年相応{とし そうおう}の
        appropriate (authorities):    appropriate (authorities) 当該 とうがい
        appropriate a budget for:    ~に予算{よさん}を充てる
        appropriate action:    適切{てきせつ}な行動{こうどう}
        appropriate adjustment:    適当{てきとう}な調整{ちょうせい}
        appropriate advice:    適切{てきせつ}な助言{じょげん}、時宜{じぎ}を得た助言{じょげん}[忠告{ちゅうこく}]
        appropriate aide:    適切{てきせつ}な援助{えんじょ}[救済{きゅうさい}]
        appropriate amount:    適正{てきせい}な量[金額{きんがく}]
        appropriate amount of:    応分の、適度{てきど}な、適当量{てきとう りょう}の


  1. "appropriate endpoint" 意味
  2. "appropriate example" 意味
  3. "appropriate exchange rate policies" 意味
  4. "appropriate family and community support strategies" 意味
  5. "appropriate followup" 意味
  6. "appropriate for international environment" 意味
  7. "appropriate for one's own use" 意味
  8. "appropriate for the era of diverse knowledge" 意味
  9. "appropriate for the governance of" 意味
  10. "appropriate family and community support strategies" 意味
  11. "appropriate followup" 意味
  12. "appropriate for international environment" 意味
  13. "appropriate for one's own use" 意味

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